  • Our ads in Focus Skate Mag!
  • Justin Heister
  • AdAdsAdvertisingFocusFocus Skate MagSLIMplisticWallet
Our ads in Focus Skate Mag!

For the last few months we've been running some ads in Focus Skate Mag, and it has been going really well. For anyone who doesn't know, Focus is a freely distributed skateboarding magazine that saturates the East Coast. I just realized we haven't shared any of our ads on our blog, so I'll break you off with the last 4! If you'd like to check out a digital version of the magazine, HERE IS A LINK to the latest issue! Let us know what you think of our ads!




  • Justin Heister
  • AdAdsAdvertisingFocusFocus Skate MagSLIMplisticWallet